Topical “chemo-cream” 

5% Fluorouracil (Efudex) & Calcipotriene (Dovonex) Treatment


Topical 5-Fluorouracil (Efudex) is a topical chemotherapy which is FDA-approved to treat skin pre-cancers (actinic keratoses). The addition of calcipotriene (vitamin D derivative) shortens the duration of treatment with similar or superior results.

You Will Experience a Skin Reaction: This treatment preferentially affects precancerous skin cells. The intensity of the reaction is generally proportional to the amount of sun damage. The goal of treatment is to reduce the number of precancerous cells and therefore reduce your risk of skin cancer. The skin is also generally smoother and clearer after treatment.

Before Starting: Stop current skin products. Use only gentle soap, plain Vaseline ointment, a zinc-based sunscreen SPF 50 on the treatment area.


  1. Cleanse the treatment area with a gentle soap and pat dry.

  2. Apply a thin layer of Efudex/Dovonex cream to your sun-damaged treatment area which may include:

    face ( forehead, temples, dorsum (top) of nose, top of ears), scalp, OR, forearms.

    Duration: Apply twice daily to face for up to 5 days. If your treatment area is scalp or forearms you may extend treatment a couple of extra days until reaction is seen.

  3. Apply vaseline ointment during day and night for comfort. Use strict sun protection.

***Always stop treatment early if you develop a significant reaction, side effects, or systemic symptoms***

Individuals may respond to medications differently and a small percentage of the population may have the inability to metabolize fluorouracil.

*You must use strict sun protection until skin is fully healed*

Minimize sun exposure,  Wear protective clothing including hats, If area cannot be covered by clothing, use sunscreen containing zinc or titanium

What to Expect:

Common Symptoms:

  • Itching, burning, tenderness, redness, oozing, crusting

  • Crusting/scabs may take up to 2 weeks to heal

  • Redness disappears over several months

Uncommon/Rare side effects: STOP treatment and CALL our office if you experience the following:

  • Ulceration: bleeding sores

  • Infection: severe pain, severe swelling, cloudy discharge, fever

  • Systemic Symptoms: fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sores in mouth

How to Get Your Medication:

  1. We will send your prescription to

  2. You will instantly receive verification email from with instructions to provide billing and shipping information

  3. Your medication will be shipped directly to you.

    This is a compounded medication which is not covered by insurance

5% fluorouracil/calcipotriene treatment to scalp

5% fluorouracil/calcipotriene treatment to scalp

5% fluorouracil/calcipotriene treatment to scalp

5% fluorouracil/calcipotriene treatment to scalp

5% fluorouracil/calcipotriene treatment to scalp

5% fluorouracil/calcipotriene treatment to scalp