Email and Text Communication Consent

Privacy and security of e-mail and text messaging:

Do not use e-mail or text to send or request highly sensitive information. This includes personal information you do not want other people to know about. Additionally, you should be aware of and understand that if you use e-mail provided by your employer, any e-mail sent on your employer’s system may be viewed by your employer. Live Oak Dermatology cannot and does not guarantee the privacy or security of any messages being sent over the Internet. There is the potential that e-mail sent over the Internet can be intercepted and read by others. If this is of concern to you, you should not communicate with your healthcare provider through e-mail. This document constitutes a notice of privacy practices for e-mail and text messaging SMS use.

Authorization to use e-mail and text communication:

I have been informed of and understand the risks and procedures involved with using e-mail and text messaging. I agree to the terms listed on this form and hereby voluntarily request, consent to, and authorize the use of e-mail or text messaging as one form of communication with my physician, and his/her associates, technicians and other heath care providers.

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